From Jim Gilliam's blog archives
Most Filmed Street Corner

April 18, 2002 12:20 PM

I live on the most filmed street corner in the country. At first this was charming, amusing, and somewhat cool. Everything from Armageddon to Taco Bell commercials to music videos.

But as with anything charming, amusing, and somewhat cool, eventually it gets obnoxious. Lately, the number of film crews has exploded, and they're not just outside anymore. They're even taking over the inside of my building! The notices take up the entire announcement bulletin board. It's so bad, I've even become openly hostile to them. The producers and crew have zero respect for the neighborhood, and either they don't seem to understand that people live here now, or they simply don't care.

So now, whenever I'm stopped from entering my home because of some 26 year old second assistant to the co-producer of a Taco Bell commercial, I kindly inform him (always a guy) that people really do live here.

And occasionally I throw in an "asshole" at the end, you know, just for effect.

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Most Filmed Street Corner (04.18.2002)

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Previous Entry: Refuge in LA (04.18.2002)

Jim Gilliam
Jim Gilliam


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