From Jim Gilliam's blog archives
SUV's vs. National Security

January 8, 2003 6:59 PM

Arianna Huffington's anti-SUV ads:

"I helped hijack an airplane. I helped blow up a nightclub. So what if it gets 11 miles to the gallon.

I gave money to a terrorist training camp in a foreign country. It makes me feel safe. I helped our enemies develop weapons of mass destruction. What if I need to go off-road?

Everyone has one. I helped teach kids around the world to hate America. I like to sit up high. I sent our soldiers off to war. Everyone has one.

My life, my SUV. I don't even know how many miles it gets to the gallon."

What is your SUV doing to our national security?

Detroit, America needs hybrid cars NOW.

More from the archive in Terrorism.

SUV's vs. National Security (01.08.2003)

Next Entry: Freedom Illustrated (01.12.2003)
Previous Entry: Davis' Budget Problems (01.06.2003)

Jim Gilliam
Jim Gilliam


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