From Jim Gilliam's blog archives
2004 Republican Convention Scheduled in NYC around 9/11 anniversary

April 21, 2003 10:21 PM

The Republicans have scheduled their convention in NYC around the 9/11 anniversary. This is the latest their convention has ever been. The Bush campaign is going to spend $200 million primarily on television ads; twice as much as the 2000 campaign. He is running unopposed in the primaries.

So with $200 million and a 9/11 lovefest in NYC what might the Bush message be?

Oh I dunno. If you don't vote for Bush you're supporting the terrorists?

Nah. Couldn't be.

UPDATE (9/8/03): It's not too early to start planning for the massive protests that will overtake NYC opposing the exploitation of a national tragedy. Start organizing at

More from the archive in Bush, Elections.

2004 Republican Convention Scheduled in NYC around 9/11 anniversary (04.21.2003)

Next Entry: California Voter Statistics (04.21.2003)
Previous Entry: The Occupier's Biggest Headache (04.21.2003)

Jim Gilliam
Jim Gilliam


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