From Jim Gilliam's blog archives
Edwards in Campaign Contribution Mess

April 23, 2003 9:21 PM

The Justice Department is investigating contributions to John Edward's campaign made by four legal assistants at Turner & Associates PA. Edward's returned the donations.

UPDATE: The family of Shirleen Fujimoto, a secretary at the Girardi & Keese law firm gave $8,000 this year, $4,000 in 2001 and another $4,000 this year to Gephardt. That's 15% of their income just this year.

Edward's association with lawyers is already turning into a liability. The proximity to corruption is troublesome.

More from the archive in Elections, Lies and Deceit.

Edwards in Campaign Contribution Mess (04.23.2003)

Next Entry: Gephardt Unveils Healthcare Plan (04.24.2003)
Previous Entry: Just Because You're Paranoid Doesn't Mean... (04.23.2003)

Jim Gilliam
Jim Gilliam


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