From Jim Gilliam's blog archives
Desperately Seeking: 1 Smoking Gun
July 23, 2003 10:49 PM
David Kay is the former UNSCOM weapons inspector that Bush brought in last month to help find WMD in Iraq. In his January Washington Post editorial he talked about how it's nearly impossible to find a smoking gun, and that the only way inspections can work is if the goal is verifying voluntary disarmament. During the 90's only two smoking guns were ever found. One of which the Iraqis came clean on, and the other, a major nuclear weapons facility nearly impossible to hide. In September 2002 He gave testimony to the House Armed Services Committee to this effect as well, and it became the administration's stated position: Iraq must voluntarily prove its disarmament. But there's more here than meets the eye. Check out Kay's editorial:
Bush encouraged the search for the smoking gun knowing it would fail! No smoking gun materialized, and Bush got his war on. Of course now Bush desperately needs to find the smoking gun. So who does he call? David Kay! Ah, irony, indeed.
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Desperately Seeking: 1 Smoking Gun (07.23.2003)
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