From Jim Gilliam's blog archives
8 Years

December 10, 2003 1:03 PM

The first man to be sentenced in the Lackwanna case got 8 years. 8 years for visiting an al-Qaeda training camp. That's all he did. He visited the camp, and then left because it freaked him out.

His crime was "providing material assistance to a terrorist organization."

8 years.

More from the archive in Crime and Punishment, Terrorism.

8 Years (12.10.2003)

Next Entry: "start from scratch" (12.11.2003)
Previous Entry: More Uncovered Press (12.09.2003)

Read the 2 comments.

Paul in OC:

OK, this is completely unrelated, but here's a nice story about Senator Simon:

(bottom of wednesday's post)

Wed Dec 10 2003 8:17 PM

Steve Rhodes:

Everyone should check out the website for the Frontline documentary on the case Chasing the Sleeper Cell and watch the show online if they have a decent connection.

Unfortunately, the 10,000 New York Times piece on the case is no longer free (but I guess if you're going to spend $2.50 on a times article, this one is worth it). Or go to the library - it was on the front page of the Sunday, October 12th, 2003 paper.

Sun Dec 21 2003 1:34 PM

Jim Gilliam
Jim Gilliam


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