From Jim Gilliam's blog archives
Braun to endorse Dean

January 14, 2004 8:32 PM

Carol Moseley-Braun is dropping out tomorrow and endorsing Dean.

More from the archive in Howard Dean.

Braun to endorse Dean (01.14.2004)

Next Entry: CBS refuses to air Moveon's Super Bowl ad (01.15.2004)
Previous Entry: "one of the worst blunders in more than two centuries" (01.14.2004)

Read the 5 comments.


Well, this certainly doesn't hurt. Not one bit. Wow!

Wed Jan 14 2004 11:24 PM


Well hey, there's 3 more votes for Dean.

Wed Jan 14 2004 11:39 PM


Braun can have a bit of a ripple effect, because a lot of people who weren't going to vote for her still had tremendous respect for her eloquence and understanding of the issues. She didn't have to endorse someone, but she chose to endorse Dean. It's one more knock against those who have portrayed Dean as nothing more than an angry white man.

Thu Jan 15 2004 11:42 AM


Her own party considered her so inconsequential she was blocked from participating in most of the debates - while Sharpton was given a seat front and center. Apparently respect for eloquence and understanding of the issues has nothing to do with your ability to play the game.

Fri Jan 16 2004 8:42 AM

Jim Gilliam:

She did participate in at least most of the debates, but she didn't always get much airtime (which I assume is what you mean).

I think your Sharpton observation has less to do with the Democratic party then it has to do with the media's desire for a soundbite. Sharpton obliges with great oneliners, and the networks love it -- witness Sharpton's SNL gig.

Fri Jan 16 2004 9:28 AM

Jim Gilliam
Jim Gilliam


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