From Jim Gilliam's blog archives
Cheney speaking during coverage of Baghdad hotel bombing
March 17, 2004 11:14 AM
watching cnn & fox simultaneously right now... they both cut in to cheney's speech doing a side-by-side w/al jazeerah feed. rubble and fires side-by-side w/cheney talking about a forward strategy of freedom. incredible! i keep thinking about the older cnn coverage of an iraqi yelling "fuck freedom" after another recent car bomb. cnn stayed w/al jazeerah feed the whole time, and dropped cheney after a couple minutes. but fox stayed w/cheney only they changed it to "new video" of ambulances responding and u.s. tanks driving down the road...then they dropped that and went full screen on cheney. now 10:59 am...cnn is full-screen on cheney, while fox is split screen cheney & "new video"...their new video isn't as bad as al jazeerah feed...more focus on u.s. troops. now cheney is making fun of kerry. oh wow!! now that cheney is making fun of kerry, fox is showing bodies being dragged away, and fires. WHOA! subtext: kerry is soft on national security, look what we have to be afraid of. UN FREAKING BELIEVABLE UPDATE 11:47AM: well, now fox has kerry speech side-by-side with bomb footage saying very negative things about Bush's policies
Cheney speaking during coverage of Baghdad hotel bombing (03.17.2004)
Next Entry: A Warning for Young Jihadists (03.18.2004)
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Fri Mar 19 2004 7:49 AM
Sat Sep 25 2004 9:11 PM |