From Jim Gilliam's blog archives
Trippi: "even if it costs us everything"
March 24, 2004 2:36 PM
Joe Trippi, talking to Steve McMahon, Mark Squier and Paul Maslin after meeting with Dean on December 3rd about releasing his records as governor:
He just lost it in here. He basically told me that he never thought he'd be in this position. Never thought he could ever win. Never thought it would come to all this. He was just about in tears, and for once, I really feel for him. He said, "I don't know why I say the things I do." He ain't gonna release the records, even if it costs us everything.
Paul Maslin:
Seldom have I heard a candidate so open about his feelings (one of Dean's refreshing qualities); more seldom still have I seen someone on the brink of political success be so conflicted about it. To this day I am convinced that no "smoking gun" exists in those records. What is probably there is an accumulation of cuts from a man who routinely made acidic or even profane comments to all around him, in conversation and in writing.
Trippi: "even if it costs us everything" (03.24.2004)
Next Entry: Osama's "entirely modern sensibilities" (03.30.2004)
Previous Entry: Will the Real Mastermind Please Stand Up? (03.19.2004)
Read the 2 comments.
Paul Stone:
Now I really have to subscribe to The Atlantic. I finally read Soros' long-ago article, The Capitalist Threat, which was well worth reading. I tend to agree with the point he made, that unchecked capitalism is a threat to the open society, but I'm not quite sure he provided enough evidence to prove his case.
Sun Mar 28 2004 4:09 PM
Joe Welnack:
Joe Trippi has a newly released book, "The Revolution Will Not Be Televised", that I just completed. I would recommend it to anyone who was involved with the Dean campaign or any of the folks who supported the Vermont Governor.
The book gives an excellent insight into background in political campaigns and how the media "manages" the news output. Trippi makes the case (and an excellent one) that the internet will eventually become more important to political activists than television. Mr. Trippi is of the oppinion that the internet is at the same point television was in 1956.
His book abounds with anecdotes; many humorous and others insightful. He described a "compassionate conservative" as a vegetarian shark.
I believe that we have not seen the last of Howard Dean. Trippi's horse lost the race but is not out of racing imho. No, Howard created a new giant in our political culture. Tens of thousands of the small donors from the internet are the new army that will take back power from the oligarchy.
After reading Joe's book I have come to the conculsion that the outcome of the election is a moot point. President Bush and Senator Kerry are different sides of the same coin.
Sun Jul 18 2004 4:19 PM