From Jim Gilliam's blog archives
The War on Terror ... Almost as effective as the War on Drugs!
April 6, 2004 11:09 PM
The Congressional Research Service tallied up the damage caused by al-Qaeda in the 30 months prior to 9/11, and the 30 months following. They left out Iraq since there have been so many attacks, it's hard to know which are attributable to al-Qaeda. The results... drumroll... Before 9/11: 1 attack, 17 deaths. I wonder if people will ever realize that Bush exceeded bin Laden's wildest dreams by invading Iraq. Osama wanted a war -- jihad -- and not only did Bush oblige, he made it damn convenient too ... just down the street from bin Laden's cave. 9/11 was the greatest PR stunt since the crucifixion. The only way to win is simply not to play. Terrorism doesn't work if you're not afraid.
More from the archive in Terrorism, War and Peace.
The War on Terror ... Almost as effective as the War on Drugs! (04.06.2004)
Next Entry: Inglewood says "No!" to Wal-Mart (04.07.2004)
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Wed Apr 7 2004 8:21 AM |