From Jim Gilliam's blog archives
Neither fair nor balanced ... but spectacularly effective

July 29, 2004 7:20 PM

David Edelstein reviews Outfoxed and The Hunting of the President for Slate:

The Hunting of the President and Outfoxed are portraits of a right-wing propaganda machine with a magnificent record of accomplishment: tying up moderate Democratic administrations with spurious investigations; portraying moderate Democrats as radical tax-and-spend flip-floppers; and perpetuating the myth that the media is controlled by liberals and/or socialists while parroting, under the guise of fairness and balance, a prodigious list of deceptions. These documentaries are neither fair nor balanced: They are counterprosecutions, and as such they are spectacularly effective.

More from the archive in Outfoxed.

Neither fair nor balanced ... but spectacularly effective (07.29.2004)

Next Entry: Tonight... on the Factor (07.29.2004)
Previous Entry: Hey America, look how boring we are! (07.29.2004)

Jim Gilliam
Jim Gilliam


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