From Jim Gilliam's blog archives
Bill O'Reilly: Protesters = Terrorists

August 25, 2004 5:08 PM

O'Reilly just made the argument that any protester who does anything illegal (which could be something as simple as participating in an unpermitted march), should be treated as a terrorist since they are aiding and abetting the terrorists that "want to kill us" by making life harder on the police.

Watch the video in Quicktime (56k, 200k).

More from the archive in Bill O'Reilly, Protest.

Bill O'Reilly: Protesters = Terrorists (08.25.2004)

Next Entry: Quentin Tarantino's blog (08.25.2004)
Previous Entry: "Un-Conventional" coverage at the RNC (08.25.2004)

Read the 8 comments.


So, anyone who distracts the the authorities from fighting the war on terror is a terrorist? Doesn't that make President Bush a terrorist, since his decision to invade Iraq amounted to the ultimate distraction in the war on terror?

Silly rhetorical question. Of course, we all know Bush is a terrorist, but O'Reilly would lump jaywalkers and speeders in with Bush and Bin Laden, and that's just not fair.

Wed Aug 25 2004 7:54 PM

raging red:

Beware of terrorists carrying giant bags of marbles!

Wed Aug 25 2004 8:00 PM


Did O'Reilly actually quote the police as being concerned about a prank that appeared at the end of the film ANIMAL HOUSE? :)

Wed Aug 25 2004 8:55 PM


THat man is out of his gourd!

Thu Aug 26 2004 10:20 AM


So I guess if I get in a car accident in New York then I'm a terrorist. I would be distracting the police from fighting terrorism.

Thu Aug 26 2004 10:30 AM


O'Reilly says: "Putting the life of New Yorkers in danger by distracting the police is terrorism period". If he really is so concerned about the safety of the New Yorkers why didn't he ask Bush to do this convention elsewhere?

Thu Aug 26 2004 12:55 PM


It's O'Reilly the Facist Queen of Fox. These kind of statements should not be a suprise.

Sun Aug 29 2004 12:55 PM

David Craige:

Jim, you know I am a O'Reilly fan. I think you have a point. I noticed a very confusing way that O'Reilly was speaking last night against demonstrators. We all know that within a large group of people you have peaceful people and some possibly not so peaceful people. I think that it would only be fair to point out the small but vocal minority of possibly not so peaceful people. The article below is a good read.

Trying to see the issues clearly

David Craige

Tue Aug 31 2004 7:08 AM

Jim Gilliam
Jim Gilliam


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