From Jim Gilliam's blog archives
Gmail Filesystem
August 29, 2004 9:51 PM
Something rather mindblowing just happened... the Gmail Filesystem.
Gmail Filesystem (08.29.2004)
Next Entry: Operation Sibyl: the Plaza Hotel (08.30.2004)
Previous Entry: Lights, Camera.... Queue the bomb plot! (08.28.2004)
Read the 2 comments.
See, I kind of think this is abuse of the GMail system. The system doesn't cost any money to use, because Google sells Adwords based on the text contents of our emails. Using Gmail as a free off-site storage system doesn't make any money for Google.
I'm excited that people are this creative, but ultimately I think Google is going to have to shut this kind of stuff down, because they are, after all, a for-profit corporation.
On the other hand, those Google people are so smart, they just might be able to create a new business out of this. For example, the first company which can figure out a way to allow users to transparently migrate data and applications from one computer to another is going to win a huge business.
Mon Aug 30 2004 11:36 AM
Jim, the "recent comments" link is cool. I don't know how long it's been there, but I like it a lot.
Mon Aug 30 2004 12:23 PM