From Jim Gilliam's blog archives
More theaters for Outfoxed

August 14, 2004 6:23 PM

Just posted a slew of new theaters showing Outfoxed. It's expanding into Seattle, Portland, Baltimore, Vegas over the next couple weeks, with a lot more to come.

And Uncovered opens in three cities next weekend: DC, NYC & Boston. Seattle, Portland, Chicago, Denver, Boulder, Miami, Milwaukee, Minneapolis, St. Louis, New Orleans and theaters all over California follow after that.

More from the archive in Outfoxed, Uncovered.

More theaters for Outfoxed (08.14.2004)

Next Entry: O'Reilly's smear campaign -- in Quicktime (08.14.2004)
Previous Entry: Rolling Stone profiles Bill O'Reilly (08.14.2004)

Read the 3 comments.

Thomas Vandenberg:

I own both, "OutFoxed" and "Uncovered."
What I've been gritting my teeth about since Rupert Murdoc bought Fox network really wasn't just a bad headache!
"Outfoxed" Showed me the depth of our National/International media problem.
Get this movie!
Let's stop the insanity and vote Bush out of the White House.
This country is ours!


Sun Aug 15 2004 10:36 PM

Chuck Olsen:

Congrats -- I can't wait!

Tue Aug 17 2004 12:49 AM


Why are so many of these clips on WMP only?

Sat Sep 4 2004 3:23 PM

Jim Gilliam
Jim Gilliam


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