From Jim Gilliam's blog archives
Become an Associate Producer for only $19.95

September 23, 2004 12:09 PM

Josh Lewis and Joey Garfield, co-directors of DUMPED! the Musical, need to raise $100,000 to finish their flick. So they're auctioning off 5000 Associate Producer credits on eBay at $19.95 a pop.

Here's a Quicktime teaser and samples from a few songs like "Things Suck a Little Less Each Day".

More from the archive in Business, Hollywood.

Become an Associate Producer for only $19.95 (09.23.2004)

Next Entry: What's your plan for Iraq, Mr. President? (09.23.2004)
Previous Entry: Schwarzenegger attacks file sharing (09.23.2004)

Jim Gilliam
Jim Gilliam


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