From Jim Gilliam's blog archives
Chief Justice Rehnquist has cancer

October 25, 2004 10:56 AM

He's 80, and was hospitalized on Friday. He's supposed to be back next week.

More from the archive in Crime and Punishment, Health.

Chief Justice Rehnquist has cancer (10.25.2004)

Next Entry: Guardian: Outfoxed "has become a cult classic" (10.26.2004)
Previous Entry: 9/11 commissioner: We know where bin Laden is (10.23.2004)

Read the 7 comments.

Red Ghost:


Mon Oct 25 2004 11:23 AM

Right Wing Robby:

Calling all cars, calling all cars. Comment Police, can you read. Comment police, we need you.

Mon Oct 25 2004 1:16 PM

raging red:

Okay, you made me laugh Right Wing Robby (and not AT you).

I never actually accepted the nomination for Comment Police, so I am hereby withdrawing my name from consideration. I feel it's just too difficult a position, plus I may have a conflict of interest, as I am sometimes an off-topic commenter myself.

Mon Oct 25 2004 2:13 PM

Red Ghost:

That made me laugh too. Out loud even.

Mon Oct 25 2004 5:51 PM

raging red:

I laughed out loud too, but I didn't want to use the painfully geeky "LOL" in my reply. (I just never want to reach that level of computer geekdom.)

Mon Oct 25 2004 6:12 PM

Dave E.:


Mon Oct 25 2004 9:05 PM

Dave E.:

(I've never used that acronym, ever, until now and only because the joke was already perfectly tee'd up. I don't pass on tee'd up jokes, no matter how cheap.)

Mon Oct 25 2004 9:07 PM

Jim Gilliam
Jim Gilliam


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