From Jim Gilliam's blog archives
O'Sexxxy hits LA Times, Access Hollywood

October 18, 2004 2:37 PM

The O'Sexxxy Factor was mentioned in Scott Collins' LA Times piece on Bill O'Reilly's crumbling empire, and I just finished taping a segment for Access Hollywood, to air tomorrow night (Tuesday, 10/19).

The scandal "really destroys his credibility of what he claims to be," said Jim Gilliam, co-producer of "Outfoxed: Rupert Murdoch's War on Journalism," a film that attacked Fox News for alleged right-wing bias. "He certainly can't be giving advice to kids." On Friday, Gilliam's website posted a five-minute video, "The O'Sexxxy Factor," that edited together excerpts of O'Reilly segments on collegiate wet T-shirt contests and other salacious material, which the filmmaker said showed the host's "obsession" with sex.

Access Hollywood airs on KNBC at 7:30PM in Los Angeles, and you can find out when and where it airs in your area here.

More from the archive in Bill O'Reilly, Television.

O'Sexxxy hits LA Times, Access Hollywood (10.18.2004)

Next Entry: More enemies. More attacks. Less freedom. (10.18.2004)
Previous Entry: Yeah, sure. (10.17.2004)

Read the 8 comments.


Way to go Jim!

Mon Oct 18 2004 2:42 PM


We saw the Quicktime -- perfect. Thanks for all the work.

Mon Oct 18 2004 3:19 PM


Access Hollywood... Tivo... 'Nuff said.

Mon Oct 18 2004 5:09 PM


The photoshoppers are having lots of fun with O'Reilly.

I like the "Mein Falafel - fur Zicklein!" paperback (for kids).

Mon Oct 18 2004 5:15 PM

Right Wing Robby:

Of course everyone is so quick to convict O'reilly. Their mouth watered when they heard the news. They didnt care about the other side of the coin. Slowely, the otherside will come out and is starting to. Dont expect any reporting on this.

Tue Oct 19 2004 7:03 AM

The Right is Wrong:

Big deal. So some cheesy restaurant owner saw them chatting? And he suddenly knows all the details of their "relationship"? What do you bet he's a fan AND a Bush supporter?

Take your trashy tabloid "truth" and cram it sideways, Robby.

Tue Oct 19 2004 10:25 AM

raging red:

Jim - I think Access Hollywood is coming on in 10 minutes where I live, but I'm going to miss it. Will you Tivo your appearance and post it here?

Tue Oct 19 2004 1:51 PM

Tom from Madison:

I think we all owe Bill O'Reilly the same type of fair and balanced treatment he himself made famous. Remember Jeremy Glick?

Tue Oct 19 2004 2:05 PM

Jim Gilliam
Jim Gilliam


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