From Jim Gilliam's blog archives
O'Sexxxy: Watch Bill Spin!

October 22, 2004 7:15 PM

O'Reilly's team leaked to the NY Daily News that Lisa Bloom was serving as a backchannel negotiator for settlement talks between the two camps. Bloom immediately denied it on Court TV after she conducted an interview with Andrea Mackris' older sister.

John's got video of the interview. Bloom also levels a bombshell that Fox News wants to depose Al Franken immediately because they feel this is a left-wing conspiracy. Fox claim's Mackris met with Franken once. Depending on when this took place, it may not be that unusual -- after all, she was a booker for the highest rated cable news show.

Ailes and company are furiously trying to spin this thing... It's a left-wing conspiracy, Mackris is trying to settle, etc. These are naked attempts to influence the news cycle. What I want to know is -- where's his spin-meister wife Maureen McPhilmy? The standard protocol is for the wife to go public and stand by her husband. Plus, I'd like to see a picture of her! She's only a few years older than Mackris. Anyone want to wager that she's a brunette with "spectacular boobs"?

More from the archive in Bill O'Reilly, Lawsuits.

O'Sexxxy: Watch Bill Spin! (10.22.2004)

Next Entry: 9/11 commissioner: We know where bin Laden is (10.23.2004)
Previous Entry: Clinton wants top U.N. job in 2006 (10.22.2004)

Read the 6 comments.


I finally watched the O'Sexxxy Factor. Nice job, Jim!

O'Reilly is such a perv.

Sun Oct 24 2004 11:49 PM

Diddley Squat:

Don't you love it? This couldn't have happened to a nicer guy (sanctimonious idiot).

Anybody got an audio of the "most evil thing" comment?

Tue Oct 26 2004 5:30 PM


Actually you might have seen a picture of O'Reilly's wife had you been watching the profile on 60 Minutes. The woman pictured next to O'Reilly in the portrait with Bush and Laura is a bottle blonde by my recollection.

Sat Dec 25 2004 4:19 PM


I went to high school with Maureen McPhilmy. One of the best looking girls in school, smart, cheerleader, dark hair, religous, and very proper. Hate to say it, but a prude. Of all the girls in my high school, that happens to her. Ironic.

Thu Jan 27 2005 2:40 PM


I live across the street from Maureen McPhilmy's parents. I have lived there since 1968. She is a nice person. Every time Bill is there they park the car in the garage, he gets out and stays in hiding the whole time. Have interacted with Maureen "Reenie" and her children a few times.

Sat Apr 8 2006 4:51 PM


“During the course of O’Reilly’s telephone monologue on August 2, 2004, he suggested that Plaintiff Andrea Mackris purchase a vibrator and name it, and that he had one “SHAPED LIKE A COCK with a little battery in it” that a woman had given him. It became apparent that Defendant was masturbating as he spoke. After he climaxed…” - Andrea Mackris sexual harassment suit.

Tue Apr 3 2007 6:08 AM

Jim Gilliam
Jim Gilliam


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