From Jim Gilliam's blog archives
New project

February 24, 2005 11:46 PM

Sorry for the lack of posting lately. Long-time readers will recognize this as a tell-tale sign that I'm working on a secret project. Things have been craaaazy busy lately. Devin and I are producing Robert Greenwald's next project, and it's much bigger than either Uncovered or Outfoxed. The budget is about four times as much, and it's still not enough, so we're working late into the night months before it'll be finished.

But there are milestones worth celebrating. Robert's now blogging, and today he announced our new media company and asked for help in naming it. Jesse Haff did a great job setting the blog up, and now Robert's just gotta get the whole linking concept down!

Also today, Scoobie Davis urged a Google bomb of "fox news". Currently, Outfoxed and the News Hounds are #5 and #6 respectively. I'm sure we can do better.

Fox News,
Fox News,
Fox News,
Fox News,
Fox News,
Fox News,
Fox News,
Fox News,
Fox News,
Fox News,
Fox News,
Fox News,
Fox News.

More from the archive in Me, Media, Movies.

New project (02.24.2005)

Next Entry: Credibility (02.25.2005)
Previous Entry: Bill Maher on Fox News (02.18.2005)

Read the 2 comments.


Google bombs are kinda juvenile, in my opinion... While looking up "miserable failure" and coming across the whitehouse page for Bush IS amusing the first time you see it, it's also not doing anything worthwhile to promote your ideas or beliefs...

"Cybergraffiti" as the New York Times calls it, appropriate...

(NYT link:

Fri Feb 25 2005 4:48 PM


When I do it, it's more like a GoogleGnat than a GoogleBomb, but I have updated my blog accordingly.

Fri Feb 25 2005 7:18 PM

Jim Gilliam
Jim Gilliam


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