From Jim Gilliam's blog archives
Lachlan Murdoch quits the family biz

July 29, 2005 4:56 PM

"I would like especially to thank my father for all he has taught me in business and in life. It is now time for me to apply those lessons to the next phase of my career."

Think he got a conscience? I think that next phase is at Brave New Films! Lachlan, we've got a spot for you.. come fight for the good guys!

More from the archive in Business, Media.

Lachlan Murdoch quits the family biz (07.29.2005)

Next Entry: Greed is bad. (08.02.2005)
Previous Entry: The Wal-Mart Spin Conference (07.28.2005)

Read the 5 comments.


Maybe you should make a film about Air American stealing money from poor inner city kids:

Air America: We Paid it Back Before We Didn't Pay it Back

Apparently Air America is getting John Kerry to write their press releases. In a really lame attempt to throw bloggers off the scent, last week they hinted they had paid the money back months ago:

The current owners of Air America Radio have no obligation to Progress Media,s business activities. We are very disturbed that Air America Radio's good name could be associated with a reduction in services for young people, which is why we agreed months ago to fully compensate the Gloria Wise Boys & Girls Club as a result of this transaction.
But this week they told FoxNews:

"We're committed to paying this money and the terms are being worked out... We are awaiting direction from the investigation into how to proceed."
That must come as crushing news to the Kos Kid who said the story "appears to be phoney" If it's a phony, it's a good one because Air America is now saying they are going to pony up a half a million dollars. But hey- Kos Kids don't think rationally.

In the end, the blogosphere cost Air America a half a million dollars.

The story was sure to be ignored until the blogs started pushing it. Now CNN mentioned it. (and us) and FOXNews got the commitment that they'd pay it back.

Now it's just a matter of when they write the check. They do have the money... Right? Right?

Tue Aug 2 2005 2:54 PM

Tom from Madison:

Hey anonymous,

Your source cites Fox News as a source. Are you being paid by Fox News or Rupert Murdoch?

Citing Fox news as a source of anything factual ought to raise serious doubts. If I were you I'd provide more corroboration if you want ANYONE other than neo-con troglodytes to believe you.

Remember all those stories about WMDs? Remember all those Fox news stories?

Tue Aug 2 2005 5:31 PM


Here you go:

Franken Unaware Of Ex-Colleague's Alleged Loans

BY DAVID LOMBINO - Special to the Sun
August 2, 2005

The comedian Al Franken, Air America Radio's most prominent host, said yesterday that he did not know whether the hundreds of thousands of dollars apparently lent to the radio network by a Bronx social-service organization had indeed been relayed to Air America by Evan Montvel Cohen. Mr. Cohen simultaneously served as director of the liberal network and development director of the nonprofit Gloria Wise Boys & Girls Club.

The Gloria Wise club, which serves 20,000 clients in Co-op City, has gotten millions of dollars a year in government funds. The city's Department of Investigation announced in June the suspension of Gloria Wise's city grants and contracts because of allegations of "inappropriate transactions."

Members of the Gloria Wise executive committee described to the Sun transfers from the club to Mr. Cohen and to Air America that totaled $875,000.

Anyone else would be in prison.

Wed Aug 3 2005 9:55 AM


Air America. What a joke.

Wed Aug 3 2005 12:53 PM

Sponge Bob:

And the sharks smell blood

No laughing matter
August 3, 2005

For a change, Al Franken sounded serious and didn't want a fistfight. He didn't seem to know much about Air America Radio's loan scandal speaking to the New York Sun Monday, and said he had just learned the details last week. In sum, he sounded a lot like the politicians he plays "gotcha" with. Maybe Mr. Franken's ambitions for Norm Coleman's seat in the Senate are sobering him up a bit.

He didn't know whether former Air America director and nonprofit executive Evan Cohen had transferred inner-city childrens' money to Air America, nor whether the money had been used for Air America's operations. Mr. Franken did know this: Air America had known about the problem before New York's Department of Investigation began studying it. But a city spokesman says Air America "neglected to tell anyone at DOI or in the city about it." Add another unanswered question to Air America's tally.

Up to this point, Mr. Franken gets a pass: He is the talent, not the management. But now that he is apprised, Mr. Franken should get to the bottom of the scandal.

Here's what is known thus far. On Friday, Air America confirmed that last year it did in fact take money from a city-funded nonprofit that runs progams in the Bronx for children and Alzheimer's sufferers, and that it plans to pay the money back. It also revealed that it refuses to accept responsibility: First it blamed the Gloria Wise Boys & Girls Club, the nonprofit, calling the club's alleged behavior "absolutely disgraceful"; then it blamed Progress Media, a now-defunct Air America parent company, and said it had no obligation to pay the money back. But Air America announced it would pay the money back because it is "very disturbed that Air America Radio's good name could be associated with a reduction in services for young people."

Thu Aug 4 2005 12:04 PM

Jim Gilliam
Jim Gilliam


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