From Jim Gilliam's blog archives
Will the real movie pirates please stand up?

August 3, 2005 4:45 PM

Absolutely genius short film on what every filmmaker needs to know about distributing their film. Seriously, watch this.

More from the archive in Business, Movies.

Will the real movie pirates please stand up? (08.03.2005)

Next Entry: 90 seconds of radioactive gas (08.05.2005)
Previous Entry: "an unseen force" somehow doesn't sound so "intelligent" (08.03.2005)

Read the 2 comments.

Mike Ackerman:

I've wondered if there might be a better way to distribute independent movies. Could a promoter profitably shepherd a very few prints from town to town? Renting out a movie theater, talking it up on the local radio stations, college newspapers, etc.?

It just seems wasteful to order up dozens of prints, since most movies seem to be in and out of theaters in less than three weeks.

Wed Aug 3 2005 10:39 PM


It's very interesting (but not surprising) to hear something like this, especially me being a relative film-enthusiast. I love independent films and I always feel like most of them end up getting shafted by larger companies. I agree that there has to be a better way of distributing movies for these filmmakers who are really struggling to practically make ends meet.

Tue Aug 9 2005 2:02 AM

Jim Gilliam
Jim Gilliam


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