From Jim Gilliam's blog archives
How not to tell someone you think they should die

September 28, 2005 8:06 PM

Yesterday, I finally got a callback from the UCLA lung transplant coordinator, Nancy Bishop. She called me to schedule an appointment to meet with Dr. David Ross and get my evaluation testing rolling.

Whoa! This was quite a surprise because on Monday my lung guy told me he had talked with Dr. Ross who said that he was rejecting me because the scarring in my upper lungs would make the surgery very very difficult.

Oh yes! That's right.. She was mistaken. Here's the letter... I had been denied because of my history of ALL (leukemia).

Huh? I said. That's not what Dr. Ross told my doctor. He said it was because the surgery would be too difficult because of my scarring.

Oh yeah, that's effectively the same thing.

Excuse me? Now I'm completely confused. My doctor said explicitly that Dr. Ross said it was not because of my cancer history, but that the surgery itself would be too difficult because of the scarring.

Umm.. errr... the letter is kind of hard to read.. let me .. yes, it says because of history of ALL and media stinal radiation.

Words cannot describe how this made me feel. I'll leave it at that.

Things are proceeding on the Cedars front... their "customer service" has been much better so far.

More from the archive in Me, My Health.

How not to tell someone you think they should die (09.28.2005)

Next Entry: Bush involved in leaking of Valerie Plame's identity? (10.02.2005)
Previous Entry: CBS Evening News: Undeclared Civil War in Iraq (09.27.2005)

Read the 5 comments.


dude, my prayers are with you.

Sat Oct 1 2005 7:36 PM


crap, i can't believe how incompetent that is. praying here too.

Sat Oct 1 2005 7:55 PM



I have a feeling--despite your current ups and downs--that you'll pull through all this. Keep the faith.

Sun Oct 2 2005 3:26 PM


I'm praying for you Jim.

Thu Oct 6 2005 9:59 PM



Just came upon this blog after reading about the Wal-Mart doc. My thoughts and prayers are with you. You've still got years of producing important progressive films in front of you, so lets get you a good lung in there, and get you back to work !

Thu Nov 3 2005 8:30 PM

Jim Gilliam
Jim Gilliam


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