From Jim Gilliam's blog archives
"It don't make no sense, does it?"

September 17, 2005 5:18 PM

The Las Vegas Weekly profiles the crappy pay and working conditions of the temp workers the UFCW is hiring to protest the not-quite-as-crappy working conditions of the Vegas Wal-Mart stores.

More from the archive in Wal-Mart.

"It don't make no sense, does it?" (09.17.2005)

Next Entry: Leading by Example (09.17.2005)
Previous Entry: Please resign, Mr. President (09.17.2005)

Read the 1 comments.

Mike Ackerman:

Are you going to include this in the movie? I don't know how you could put a good face on this, other than to say, "unions need to get their act together."

Sun Sep 18 2005 6:57 PM

Jim Gilliam
Jim Gilliam


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