From Jim Gilliam's blog archives
Progressives and Big Business -- allies?

December 18, 2005 2:51 PM

They just might be on one issue -- universal health care.

More from the archive in Business, Health, Wal-Mart.

Progressives and Big Business -- allies? (12.18.2005)

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Previous Entry: Screw the lung transplant... (12.12.2005)

Read the 5 comments.

Tom from Madison:

I would add small businesses to the list of allies who could be advocating for universal health care. The biggest losers stand to be insurance companies and perhaps drug companies who currently have way too much influence.

All American businesses stand to benefit when the cost of providing health care is removed from their shoulders. This is definitely a case where the pragmatism of doing the most good for the most people should triumph over ideology.

Mon Dec 19 2005 11:14 AM


It would definately help Walmart redeem themselves, to use their influence to push for universal health care.

Mon Dec 19 2005 4:13 PM

Dave E.:

This country needs to join the rest of the industrialized world and adopt a universal health care system.

It's cheaper, and it'd be really neat to see the day that the wealthiest country on earth's infant mortality rate (6.63 deaths / 1000 live births) beat Cuba's (6.45 deaths / 1000 live births).

Tue Dec 20 2005 12:18 AM


I think I read recently that the 45 million uninsured may be an undercount, but at the moment it escapes me what the reasoning for that was.

Wed Dec 21 2005 8:05 AM


Or is it an undercount of the *insured*? I'm pretty sure this wasn't what I read earlier, but now I'm confused:

"While census data indicates that over 45 million Americans are uninsured, experts say the
Census Bureau may undercount the number of people who have insurance by at least nine
million by ignoring people who go on and off Medicaid."

Wed Dec 21 2005 8:16 AM

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Jim Gilliam


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