From Jim Gilliam's blog archives
Errol Morris on meeting Karl Rove

July 21, 2006 10:29 PM

E. MORRIS: I met Karl Rove. I was doing commercials for Nike, and my job was to go to three different cities and talk to coaches who coached now-famous athletes. I visited a high school in Waco, Texas, where LaDainian Tomlinson went, and I stayed at the Waco Hilton. That morning I came down to the lobby and I saw Orrin Hatch. I thought, Oh my God, can that really be Orrin Hatch? I'm looking at him, still trying to figure out if it's really him, when Karl Rove walks up beside him. [Laughs] Then they go into the breakfast room.

SS: The free breakfast room at the Hilton?

E. MORRIS: Yes. I walked up to the table - they're sitting together. I introduced myself. I said, "I'm Errol Morris. I made this film The Fog of War." Karl Rove said, "That's one of my favorite films. I give that as a present to my friends." I mentioned to Rove that I knew he was very busy, but that I'd welcome the opportunity to interview him at some point in the future. He gave me this very funny look like, "You must be kidding."

More from the archive in Movies, Politics.

Errol Morris on meeting Karl Rove (07.21.2006)

Next Entry: The Man Who Knew Too Much (07.23.2006)
Previous Entry: Congress figured out another way to give money to pharmaceutical companies (07.19.2006)

Read the 1 comments.


man, you rock!

a friend just recommended some dvds from errol morris. i didn't realize he had done 'fog of war' also.

so far i've seen 'uncovered'. 'wal-mart' and 'outfoxxed' are currently in my netflix queue.

i'd give you my pair of lungs, but over they years i've become very attached to them and don't plan on giving them up until i no longer have a use for them.

here's to hoping that you get your set of XL lungs as soon as possible!

Sat Jul 22 2006 7:50 PM

Jim Gilliam
Jim Gilliam


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