Jim Gilliam's Legislation archives, 1999-2007

07.13.2006: Frist, do no harm (4 comments)
06.24.2006: At least every American has health care (3 comments)
06.21.2006: Big mistake
05.06.2006: Wiki for re-writing U.S. law (2 comments)
01.05.2006: Congress: Save $700 million by killing (35 comments)
09.19.2005: Porkbusters! (6 comments)
09.18.2005: Bankrupting America (4 comments)
05.23.2005: Dems cave, reach "agreement" to avoid nuclear meltdown in the Senate (51 comments)
05.22.2005: Stop the nuclear option! (68 comments)
08.04.2004: SUVs are illegal on many residential streets in California (2 comments)
01.30.2004: Kerry is exaggerating his role in key Senate fights
01.27.2004: Small win for Patriots Against PATRIOT
01.21.2004: What do we want? More tax cuts for the rich! (3 comments)
01.14.2004: Promoting marriage, by not promoting marriage (1 comments)
12.14.2003: Why the President's Medicare bill is bad (4 comments)
11.26.2003: GOP plan: Cut taxes, then spend, spend, spend (8 comments)
07.23.2003: Pro Life? or Anti Abortion? (8 comments)
06.07.2003: "Bipartisanship is another name for date rape"
05.30.2003: Parents just don't understand
04.18.2003: Ashcroft's New Ally
04.09.2003: Department of Peace
04.08.2003: New Sentencing Restrictions
04.03.2003: Protester = Terrorist
05.01.2001: Christian conservatives kill bully bill

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Jim Gilliam


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