Jim Gilliam's Politics archives, 1999-2007

10.13.2006: Fantastic political ad on stem cells (4 comments)
10.05.2006: Hastert could devastate Republicans if he doesn't resign (1 comments)
08.09.2006: Lieberman gets offer from the devil himself (1 comments)
08.09.2006: political earthquake (27 comments)
08.08.2006: Lamont wins! (8 comments)
07.29.2006: Evangelical pastor said "Follow Jesus" and 20% of his congregation left (8 comments)
07.21.2006: Errol Morris on meeting Karl Rove (1 comments)
07.08.2006: delay talks of un-retirement (15 comments)
07.06.2006: big news in tom delay's old district
07.02.2006: John Edwards is learning how not to be fake (1 comments)
06.16.2006: Why did Francine Busby lose? (5 comments)
06.12.2006: Wisdom in the Feedback Loop
06.01.2006: Al Gore... un-stiff (2 comments)
05.18.2006: Don't vote for Berryhill, he had a heart transplant (41 comments)
05.14.2006: President Al Gore on SNL (3 comments)
05.08.2006: opposite country (6 comments)
04.22.2006: Ross Perot (5 comments)
04.20.2006: Optimism (3 comments)
04.15.2006: So why isn't Rumsfeld being fired? (2 comments)
03.12.2006: Ahhh.. politics. (5 comments)
02.06.2006: The State of the Union is RAD (1 comments)
01.30.2006: Cloture vote right now
01.26.2006: The Young Turks are filibustering for a filibuster of Alito (31 comments)
12.11.2005: Operation Enduring Exorcism
11.13.2005: Rewriting the Script
11.09.2005: California says NO to everything! (9 comments)
09.24.2005: MoveOn nixed "evangelicals for Kerry" ads (2 comments)
09.22.2005: Al Gore 2008?
08.25.2005: Bush is at "pre-coup" approval numbers (7 comments)
08.11.2005: Shame on both your houses!
08.06.2005: Churches pressuring companies in Israeli/Palestinian conflict (18 comments)
07.18.2005: Wal-Mart corporate goes to Washington
07.07.2005: Staying on message... for the cause. (34 comments)
07.07.2005: Rumors are flying about Rehnquist announcement tomorrow
06.21.2005: Arnold's approval ratings now down to 37% (8 comments)
04.09.2005: The growing Catholic/Evangelical alliance (22 comments)
01.23.2005: Techies turned Doc (1 comments)
01.20.2005: The Inauguration (13 comments)
01.08.2005: Gingrich considering 2008 run (6 comments)
01.06.2005: Jon Stewart killed Crossfire (4 comments)
12.21.2004: Let's talk about ... values. (50 comments)
12.16.2004: The Bushies "willfull negligence" (33 comments)
12.01.2004: General Myers' "moral values" (2 comments)
11.30.2004: Forcing Republicans to defend the indefensible (19 comments)
11.30.2004: Defending the "indefensible" -- taxes, lawyers, gays and abortion (20 comments)
11.30.2004: Five Years of Blogging (5 comments)
11.17.2004: Rove wants a Democrat in Bush's cabinet! (42 comments)
11.12.2004: Just more of the same (23 comments)
10.30.2004: The Latest 527: Al Qaeda (4 comments)
10.22.2004: Clinton wants top U.N. job in 2006 (7 comments)
10.21.2004: Political ads as greeting cards (1 comments)
10.13.2004: Final Debate -- live blogging (23 comments)
10.08.2004: 2nd debate -- rumors on the internets! (13 comments)
10.08.2004: 2nd Debate -- live blogging (31 comments)
10.07.2004: Democrats more likely to use the Internet (7 comments)
10.06.2004: FactCheck.org disses the Vice President (1 comments)
10.05.2004: VP Debate -- live blogging (20 comments)
10.04.2004: Bush's approval rating (17 comments)
10.02.2004: Kerry takes the lead... (18 comments)
09.30.2004: Hannity is desperate (18 comments)
09.30.2004: Nightline Poll (15 comments)
09.30.2004: Bill O'Reilly: Kerry Must Win (2 comments)
09.30.2004: Hair? Check. Tan? Check. Nails? Check.
09.30.2004: A little good news, and a little bad news... (1 comments)
09.28.2004: Bush = Nixon (17 comments)
09.27.2004: GOP -- radical religious ideologues (3 comments)
09.26.2004: Jerry Falwell: Evangelicals control the GOP (6 comments)
09.23.2004: Draft, or pull out? (9 comments)
09.17.2004: Working the polls (6 comments)
09.16.2004: George W. Bush did not approve this message (33 comments)
09.02.2004: Zellie, baby... chill! (47 comments)
09.01.2004: You can't win without getting your hands dirty (10 comments)
08.31.2004: Bush takes the lead... (41 comments)
08.28.2004: God is not a Republican ... or a Democrat
08.26.2004: Karl Rove responds to Bush's Brain (12 comments)
08.26.2004: Playing by the rules
08.23.2004: Pat Buchanan vs. the Neocons (5 comments)
08.13.2004: Bush's Brain: my review of the Karl Rove doc
08.01.2004: Bush: uniting the left, losing the center (10 comments)
07.30.2004: Jerry Falwell to open the Republican Convention (4 comments)
07.29.2004: Hey America, look how boring we are! (1 comments)
06.11.2004: Low Intensity Psychological Warfare (2 comments)
04.05.2004: Muqtada al-Sadr, the "gangster rapper"
02.26.2004: Schwarzenegger scores stunning approval ratings
02.19.2004: Fanatics and Fools: "I almost finished it" (1 comments)
01.29.2004: Looking beyond November 2004...
01.18.2004: Politicians manipulating the press? Never! (1 comments)
01.14.2004: Sharpton's bid for a TV gig
01.12.2004: Screw 'em ... they'll never vote for us anyway!
01.11.2004: Setting the agenda
01.11.2004: COLD!
01.09.2004: Nader on the Dems (1 comments)
11.26.2003: GOP plan: Cut taxes, then spend, spend, spend (8 comments)
11.22.2003: Mom or Dad?
11.14.2003: There IS another way
11.12.2003: Would u reinst8 draft? (2 comments)
11.10.2003: Scalia, Corruption, and Carpal Tunnel (1 comments)
11.08.2003: You know you did a good job when ...
11.07.2003: Uncovered is Making Waves (2 comments)
11.07.2003: Celebrity Deathmatch DCLXVI (2 comments)
08.11.2003: Internet Revolution, Take Two
08.07.2003: Outfoxed by the Terminator (2 comments)
08.01.2003: Recalling my Recall of the Recall (7 comments)
07.15.2003: Yellow Cake with Fleischer Frosting
07.13.2003: Just Tell the Truth (1 comments)
07.02.2003: A Corporation Disguised as a Human Being (2 comments)
06.30.2003: Today, Politics Changed Forever (3 comments)
06.24.2003: It's War in California
06.24.2003: Rewriting the history of California's budget mess
06.24.2003: Environmental Destruction Agency
06.18.2003: A Bipartisan Budget Proposal
06.12.2003: Read my lips, no more services
06.10.2003: So much for compassionate conservatism
06.10.2003: "deliberate, intentional destruction"
06.07.2003: "Bipartisanship is another name for date rape"
06.04.2003: What it takes to be President
06.02.2003: "Pow!"
05.23.2003: The Burning Bush
05.21.2003: Whitman and Fleischer resign
05.17.2003: Dean's got the Democratic elite scared shitless
05.16.2003: Tom DeLay, Bush's Bitch
05.15.2003: Dark Skies Ahead
05.15.2003: Recalling the Recall
05.14.2003: Manipulating Political News
05.07.2003: Lacking the Hart to Run
05.05.2003: Online Activism Platform
05.04.2003: Rising Above Self Interest
04.25.2003: George Galloway, Saddam's Bitch
04.24.2003: Let Blix Do His Job
04.24.2003: Gephardt Unveils Healthcare Plan
04.22.2003: The Republican Disease
04.19.2003: Dean is losing ground in New Hampshire
04.17.2003: Tony Blair, EU President?
04.16.2003: Syria Wants to Ban WMD in the Middle East
04.16.2003: Davis Get Lowest Approval Rating in History
04.16.2003: Clinton Blasts Bush
04.15.2003: War's Effect on New Hampshire Politics
04.15.2003: First Democratic Presidential Debate
04.15.2003: Howard Dean as Indie Rock Star
04.09.2003: Department of Peace
04.08.2003: New Sentencing Restrictions
04.06.2003: Michael Moore is Rush Limbaugh for Smart People
04.06.2003: Explosive Growth in Howard Dean's Campaign
03.30.2003: Gulf War Redux Post Mortem
03.27.2003: Richard Perle just resigned
03.26.2003: Clear Channel. Fucking Clear Channel.
03.24.2003: A New Democrat (152 comments)
03.24.2003: Out of 300 million, Bush is the best you've got?
03.23.2003: "I want my country back!"
03.22.2003: Why Colin Powell Should Go
03.20.2003: Wesley Clark, 2004?
03.20.2003: Top Counter-Terrorism Official Resigns
03.20.2003: U.S. Image Plummets Overseas
03.19.2003: Iraq's New Rulers
03.04.2003: Rising Power of Evangelicals
02.28.2003: Condi 2006
02.24.2003: Health Care Politics
05.23.2001: Salon: Bush and Lott have

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Jim Gilliam
Jim Gilliam


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