Jim's projects

Iraq for Sale: The War Profiteers

I am producing, and Robert Greenwald is directing/producing this documentary, to be released in September 2006. The film has been funded by nearly 3,000 people donating small amounts online.

The Dancing Vlog is a video blog that is guaranteed to make you smile. Launched in May 2006.

Every day, a new dancing video... because life is too short to ever stop dancing.

WAL-MART: The High Cost of Low Price takes the viewer on a deeply personal journey into the everyday lives of families struggling to fight goliath. From a small business owner in the Midwest to a preacher in California, from workers in Florida to a poet in Mexico, dozens of film crews on three continents bring the intensely personal stories of an assault on families and American values.

I am producing, and Robert Greenwald is directing/producing this first documentary from our new media company, Brave New Films.

Released on November 13th, 2005, you can buy the dvd or host a screening.


The O'Sexxxy Factor is a short film documenting Bill O'Reilly's sex and porn fantasies. Nearly a million people have seen it.

I created this by culling through the footage compiled for Outfoxed, and released it with text overlays of the sexual harassment allegations O'Reilly quickly settled for an undisclosed sum.

You can watch it online for free here, on IFILM, Buzzflash, or as a bonus in the Robert Greenwald Documentary Collection.

Outfoxed: Rupert Murdoch's War on Journalism examines how media empires, led by Rupert Murdoch's Fox News, have been running a "race to the bottom" in television news. This film provides an in-depth look at Fox News and the dangers of ever-enlarging corporations taking control of the public's right to know.

"A must-see movie, no matter what your politics are."

I co-produced the film Bill O'Reilly called "rank propaganda."

Available on DVD and VHS online, and through local retailers.

Uncovered: The War on Iraq deconstructs the Bush administration's case for war through interviews with U.S intelligence and defense officials, foreign service experts, and U.N. weapons inspectors - including a former CIA director, a former ambassador to Saudi Arabia and even President's Bush's Secretary of the Army. Their analyses and conclusions are sobering, and often disturbing, regardless of one's political affiliations.

"A must-see for every American who cares about their country."

I researched and co-produced the film.

Available on DVD online, and through local retailers. It also airs frequently on the Sundance Channel.

Fanatics & Fools takes aim at the ruthless fanatics in the Bush White House and the feckless fools in the all-too-compliant Democratic opposition. Arianna Huffington, best-selling author of Pigs at the Trough paints a scathing picture of our contemporary political landscape -- peopled with scoundrels, cowards, and out-and-out lunatics, and awash in the constant and corrosive flow of dirty money.

I helped research the book while keeping her daughter's iPod working.

Currently available at Amazon and at any local bookstore.

Jim Gilliam
Jim Gilliam


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