06.22.2001: Betting the farm for $2.6 million 02.19.2001: Understated Brutality 02.01.2001: Bob Davis resigned 01.29.2001: Corrupted by Capital 01.27.2001: Jay Walker 12.27.2000: Hesitation is Golden 08.04.2000: Upside: Legal experts say there 08.03.2000: Sky-ward 05.11.2000: Venture on the Defensive 04.27.2000: Youth rules 04.21.2000: Scare off the Venture Capitalists 04.20.2000: Idealab IPO 04.16.2000: Getting Creative 03.28.2000: LycosLabs 03.28.2000: Sea of Question Marks 03.24.2000: The Lure of Incubators 03.22.2000: Equity Sharing Stock Option Fix 03.09.2000: Meet the Internet, Mr. Childs 03.04.2000: Counting the Commas 02.29.2000: High school credit for second round of funding 02.28.2000: A Valent-less IPO 02.21.2000: Entrepreneurs Beware 12.29.1999: Beware: Drive-by Venture Capital 12.07.1999: Red Herring's Ten trends 2000: 12.03.1999: See Spot Run 12.02.1999: Idealab, Divine Interventures to IPO 11.30.1999: One Way to Play Start-Ups 11.30.1999: eCompanies Pays $7.5 Million for Business.com
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